In much the same way that Laurie Halse Anderson with Speak in 1999 aimed to shed light on the subjects of sexual assault, 心理健康, and forming an identity throughout one’s teenage years, Amber Smith chronicles the challenges of Eden McCrorey in her book The Way I Am Now (2023). 她十四岁时就被强奸了, Eden struggles to acknowledge compliments and accepts only the love she things she deserves. Eden is afraid she will need depression, anti-anxiety, and sleeping medication forever. 尽管她对事物的感觉深刻而完整, Eden disconnects herself from most of what she loves: playing the clarinet and connecting at a阅读更多→

Just in time for National Poetry Month, Good Different is a novel in verse by Meg Eden Kuyatt. 在抒情散文中, Kuyatt tells the story of Selah Godfrey who feels like a dragon in a world built for people. 因为其他人认为西拉是“危险的”, 不可预测的, 和受损,” she draws to distract herself from the rough noises and loud textures that poke at her. 卵石溪学院的七年级学生, a private school that prides itself on its family atmosphere, Selah wishes to be somewhere that allows her to be fully herself, a place where she can relax “and not feel like a freak” (9).阅读更多→

Apart from his name, Cymbeline Igloo thinks he is normal in every way. 一个友善、乐于助人的九岁孩子, Cymbeline isn’t aware of how odd his life story is until a nightmare invades with the heaviness of death. One of Cym’s classmates pushes him into the pool during a school activity, 这个动作触发了Cym的妈妈, 珍妮特屋, 精神崩溃. Now, Cymbeline’s routine and familiar life has been disrupted in a major way. Cym is left to solve the mystery of his mother’s discomfort with swimming. As Cym sleuths out the details with the help of Veronique Chang—a genius and fellow classmate阅读更多→

The plot of 伊莉斯·布莱恩特的《皇冠登录welcome》 revolves around the life of smart, 有能力, 艺术, 和驱动, 班纳特丽诺尔. 每次她都和一个男孩在一起, Lenore feels chosen and treasured—only to realize she has been nothing more than a chick on the side or a stepping stone to another relationship. Intent on protecting herself from the pain of such hurt, Lenore decides to live with her guard up and her heart on lockdown. 然而, “rooting out fuckboys and exposing their crimes against womankind” (29) proves to be a difficult mission with a friend like Tessa who is intent on writing阅读更多→

不仅仅是另一个大屠杀幸存者的故事, Sharon Cameron的《welcome皇冠地址》 is both fascinating and horrifying.  It prompts readers to consider along with Cameron’s protagonist: “Is this the world? 没有什么是公平的? 在哪里不可能不哭? Where wars are not glorious or noble, just dirty and blood-soaked” (94)? It also prompts us to ask: Is it always better to know the past and the things that have happened? Cameron’s protagonist decides, “If you don’t know, then you can’t understand what justice is” (105). After experiencing the atrocities in Berlin during Hitler’s reign, Inge von Emmerich concludes that she has survived for a阅读更多→

每个人都面临他/她自己的挑战. And while many of us have no idea what it is like to have our every move monitored by the media paparazzi, British author Holly Smale takes readers down that path.  情人节系列的第二本书, 远非完美, readers no longer just imagine what living under public scrutiny is like, we follow sixteen-year-old Faith Valentine as she fights for her own identity. Born into an extraordinary life of opportunities and fortune, Faith loves running and ballet but hates acting and publicity. The headlines write a version of her that isn’t real, and the gap between reality阅读更多→

Set in North Carolina, 梅森·迪弗的《我们留住的鬼魂 is a book about coping with grief. It confirms that healing is a complicated process different for everyone. 当利亚姆·库珀的兄弟, 伊森死于一场肇事逃逸事故, 利亚姆的世界失去了正常.  16岁的, non-binary musician can find no life outside the music he makes with the aid of GarageBand software. Even his friends Joel and Vanessa consider him too morose. Feeling like he doesn’t belong anywhere and trying to navigate the grieving process alone, 他的愤怒和沮丧使他精疲力竭. Initially, Liam believes that he will move through the阅读更多→

Victoria Piontek的《welcome皇冠地址》 takes on the topic of 心理健康 awareness. Her novel features twelve-year-old Marvel McKenna who lives with an anxiety disorder. 当她不考虑全球化的时候, 世界末日将悲剧, 漫威正在考虑“以我为中心”的小问题.”  In fact, her insides feel like a forest with “one worry pollinating another” (70). Targeting middle school readers, Piontek’s storyline opens the dialogue about mental challenges. 通过奇迹, young readers will come to know that pep talks don’t magic someone back to health, nor can anxiety be teased or bullied out of a person either.  有这种情况的人最需要的是阅读更多→

A form of cognitive efficiency, labeling helps people make sense of their worlds. Although labels give our brains the ability to categorize and to draw useful conclusions, 它们还会限制思维,导致刻板印象. 像normal这样的标签, 精神疾病, 或双相, we not only make assumptions about others but about ourselves and our potential abilities. 这些假设甚至会影响我们的身份. It is this identity labeling that concerns Journey Smith, the seventeen-year-old protagonist in Faith Gardner’s novel Girl on the Line. Journey doubts the truth about many of the things the world tells her and believes that her brain ruins everything as阅读更多→