《皇冠登录welcome》,弗朗西斯科·X. 斯托克写了一个有力而凄美的故事. His protagonist Alberto Bocel is an undocumented Mexican in the United States working in order to send money back to Ticul, 墨西哥, 为了他母亲的医药费. Alberto endures symptoms of a mental condition that leaves him oscillating between a cloud of forgetfulness or battling the voice in his head. 结果,他感到心碎. 当阿尔贝托被指控谋杀了. Macpherson, he wonders if he is capable of such cruelty. Did the voice in his head—whom he has named Captain America—use his hands to commit murder? At阅读更多→

Being of mixed race makes it difficult to know which part of the self to defer to or which part takes precedence. This is Anna’s dilemma in Malia Maunakea’s middle grade novel, Lei and the Fire Goddess. Anna Leilani Kama’ehu is of both western and Hawaiian descent. She has struggled to believe that her grandmother’s traditional stories about gods and goddesses are anything more than just stories. 同样的, she isn’t sure she wants the responsibility thrust upon her: that she is the keeper of the family stories or móolelo. Now that’s she’s twelve, Anna thinks her visits with her grandmother in the Hawaiian town of阅读更多→

Dedicated to all readers who “stagger beneath the weight of expectations and emotions, 阿德里安娜·托雷的《第三个女儿 tells two parallel stories. One reveals the ambitions of the Warnou family; the other shares the reality of the Anders family. As much as this is a story about those who are born into wealth versus those who are not, 这也是关于权力和特权的影响. It reveals the consequences of knowing and embracing one’s identity. 他是王室的长子, Princess Elodie Warnou has been raised to be strong, 计算, 和君威. 她妈妈教她不仅要阅读更多→

Because Ronnie Riley believes that no one should feel alone for who they like or who they are, 这非, neurodivergent author writes a book for tweens who might also need a safe place to discover themselves. 莱利的小说, 《皇冠登录welcome》的主角是达拉斯·奈特, 谁是同性恋?, 和裘德·温特斯, who is nonbinary and lives with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The two twelve-year-olds share a “ride or die” friendship. When they welcome Stevie Morgan into their circle, challenges ensue. Another challenge for Jude—whose pronouns are they/them—is whether to share their identity with their grandparents. 裘德的妈妈说他们还没准备好阅读更多→

故事发生在新墨西哥州, 布兰登·霍布森的《皇冠登录welcome》 features Ziggy Echota whose mother is a missing indigenous woman. 都是切罗基人的后裔, sixth grade Ziggy and his older sister Moon long to know what happened to their mother, so they begin a search in the desert with “Weird Alice” as their guide. 在旅途中, the two learn especially valuable lessons while the reader gains details of the Cherokee culture and its lore. As he searches, Ziggy encounters several Nunnehi, who are protectors and shape shifters. 其中有一只会拉小提琴的秃鹰,名叫格斯, 一匹名叫灯芯的马, 还有一只名叫安德鲁·杰克逊的犰狳.阅读更多→

Jason Reynolds’ recent novel Miles Morales Suspended is a genre-bending book written in both prose and verse. It is also a sequel to Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2017). 典型的雷诺兹风格, readers are invited to think about some deep topics, 这次和身份有关. Although we all aren’t able to transform into Spider Man like Peter Parker or Miles can, readers who think metaphorically can use their spidey-sense to detect layers of applicable meaning. A Puerto Rican mixed race student Miles Morales attends Brooklyn Visions Academy. Despite the school’s motto: “Vision is at the center of all we do,一些政策和指导员阅读更多→

17岁的洛拉·埃斯皮诺萨, the main character in Ella Cerón’s first novel 洛拉·埃斯皮诺萨万岁!, life is predictable and planned: sacrifice a social life and focus on earning good grades in order to get into a good college. Those expectations leave Lola feeling like she’s in “an academic purgatory with no salvation in sight. . . . There is no time for mall hangs or homecoming dances or parties or, God forbid, a relationship” (6). 虽然安静, 深思熟虑的, 内向的洛拉喜欢聪明, she also feels like there has to be more to life than what her parents want for her; she dares阅读更多→

在写《皇冠登录welcome》时, Hanna Alkaf begins in the fashion of a traditional fairy tale. 在她重新想象的小红帽中, Alkaf borrows heavily from the Malaysian Muslim culture and weaves her magical retelling with Malay customs and cuisine. The star of this tale is thirteen-year-old Hamra, who is stubborn, sad, rebellious, and angry. She is tired of wiping up messes and cooking and listening to her grandmother say things that don’t’ make sense now that she is living with dementia. Hamra is tired of always having to be nice and good and polite and responsible. 她确实是阅读更多→

Megan Wagner Lloyd and 米歇尔·梅·纳特 have collaborated to create a graphic novel for middle grade readers. Squished features eleven-year-old Avery Annie Lee who lives in Hickory Valley, 马里兰, 和她的其他六个兄弟姐妹. 被时间压扁, 空间, 还有一点安静的地方来表演她的艺术作品, Avery decides to raise the money needed to build a bedroom in the basement. 在试过遛狗和卖柠檬水之后, Avery realizes that money-making carries its own challenges. Soon, Avery earns that her family might be moving to Oregon. Distressed by all of the change in her life, she pitches a fit and threatens阅读更多→