Separated from their parents while at sea, 14岁的Molly McConnachie, an Irish immigrant escaping the famine in County Donegal, 爱尔兰, has found herself in Cellar Hollow with her ten-year-old brother, 躺下睡觉.  Along with their horse Galileo—who is as loyal as he is stubborn—the children make their way to Windsor Estate, 莫莉在哪里工作, but folks along the route warn them against the sourwoods.  海丝特的水壶, 演奏小提琴的讲故事的人, is vehement about the foreboding that awaits: “They say the sourwoods changes folks. . . brings out somethin’ horrible in ‘em” (10).  Convinced this is all frightening nonsense, she and 躺下睡觉,阅读更多→

凯丽的童年并不平凡. She never had a home, never attended school, and has very little memories of her father. Not knowing her life was different than the typical child, Callie enjoyed traveling state to state with her mother, 维罗妮卡. 维罗妮卡 held odd jobs (not all of them legal), allowing her and Callie to stay in hotel rooms and eat many of their dinners from the lobby vending machine. 在半夜的时候, 维罗妮卡 wakes Callie to tell her they are leaving and her suitcase needs to be packed within minutes. While Callie is used to her her mom picking阅读更多→

12岁时, Hannah Silver has idiosyncrasies: thinking out loud, using words from an invented Muffin Language, hearing the bossy voices of Nancy and Belinda in her head, and fearing that stairs are traps with hidden torture devices.  She soon discovers that her family belongs to a sect of Guardians who guard the door to the afterlife.  汉娜的妈妈给她讲了这个故事, that the secret door in the lighthouse near their home leads to the city—temporary home to everyone who has lived and died in our world.  城市的另一边是阿森松岛.  To ascend requires certain qualifications—Watchers enforce these rules. 在暴风雨中阅读更多→

Readers of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid will likely enjoy 男孩问题: Notes and Predictions of 塔比瑟Reddy by Kami Kinard. While it doesn’t have the plethora of pictures, it has relevance and ‘tween appeal in its plot.   塔比瑟Reddy, 谁相信迹象和线索, thinks it’s possible to predict the future and that wishing on a star increases the likelihood of that wish’s coming true.  她的好朋友, 卡拉·麦卡利斯特不同意这种观点, saying: “Nothing helps your wishes come true unless YOU do something yourself” (11).  She encourages Tabitha, who is in search of a boyfriend, to be proactive. 社交场景和同伴阅读更多→

自由之夏谋杀案 by Don Mitchell was a difficult book to read.  我总是被仇恨弄得不知所措, preferring instead to stand up for social justice, to act as Anna Sewell said in Black Beauty all those years ago: “With cruelty and oppression, it is everybody’s business to interfere when they see it.“还, 这是一本重要的非虚构类书籍, one that can easily be read alongside The Road to Memphis by Mildred D. 泰勒.  As he commemorates the 50th anniversary of the murders of three civil rights workers by the Ku Klux Klan, Mitchell provides a look into one of the dark corners阅读更多→

离他们11岁生日还有一个月, all is peaceful in Maine for the Brennan twins, 格斯和里奥, until their mother develops a mysterious illness and boats begin to mysteriously disappear.  These freakish events are just a beginning, 然而, 当孤独变成紧急情况, 尖叫, 说谎, 还有夜间访客.  和伊拉, who has never previously spoken in her five years of life, starts to speak nonsense about morays and watchers. By the time a shape-shifting messenger arrives, 格斯怒不可遏, 害怕, 困惑, 充满了悲伤, but she and her siblings step out of their previously idyllic life into something completely unknown. 比德尔需要阅读更多→

This is the second book of the Mystic City series, and while I would have liked to have read the first book, 没有这样做并不是一种损害.  这本书是独一无二的. I am not sure if one could label this a dystopian novel, but there are dystopian elements present. There is a segment of the society that is mystic. The mystics look and act like “normal” humans, but as their name implies, they have mystic powers.  Somehow these mystics have been exploited to, basically, serve the wealthy. OK, as I write this, perhaps it would be better to read these books in阅读更多→

In Katherine Kirkpatrick‘s Between Two Worlds, travelers on a race to the top of the world interrupted life during the 1900’s in Greenland.  The Greenland Inuits were amazed at the expansive wooden ships that rammed upon their shores bringing white men, 穿不实用衣服的女人, 罐头食品. Billy Bah was not exempt from the amazement. She followed the captain of the ship – Captain Peary – and spent time with his wife, especially after the birth of their daughter in the barren tundra of Greenland.  When the Peary’s sail home to America they ask to take Billy Bah with them – the first “Eskimo” to阅读更多→

A magical realism tale, 模糊男孩 by N.D. Wilson is set in Taper, Florida, “where the sea of sugarcane stops and swamps begin” (1). 厚, mucky place intrigues twelve-year-old Charlie Reynolds who is attending the funeral of his stepfather’s father. 他们家在佛罗里达的时候, Charlie notices a look on his mother’s face, 恐惧的老样子, 被一个虐待狂的父亲放在那里. He knows his mother does not like this place, so when the townspeople ask Prester Mack to coach the football team, a position vacated by the death of Willie Wisdom, Charlie worries that the place will dredge up阅读更多→